Sunday, January 19, 2014

Commenting not working for me?

I tried to comment three times and nothing is showing up! I don't know what's going on! Halp!

also my comment was about the New Years Resolutions Zine! I'm in! I've resolved to make more little art and to hold a show. Maybe a show with you guys? In the fall or around that time? Also very excited to make some textile art! What are people making?

Friday, January 10, 2014

A 2014 Zine Project about Goals or Whatever....

Katrina and I are making a zine!  It's a year long project (a goal in and of itself!) about 2014 G O A L S !

This is my proposal: Set some goals. They can be anything (Katrina wants to make a rug, I want to make stocks and broths instead of buying the carton kind)! Make drawings, etc. about how it goes or doesn't go. I don't want this to be a zine about WORKING OUT EVERY DAY/LOSE WEIGHT!!!!!!!!! Because I think those kinds of goals are lame/setting yourself up to fail is a crappy thing to do to yourself. These goals will be about trying to do something and it's ok if doesn't work out!

Hopefully there will be at least one or two entries per person per month.  Right now I am in the process of thinking about the things I value and what my goals should be. Some are serious and some are fun... 

Let me know if you want to be a part of the zine!


Thursday, January 2, 2014


(by katrina)

My mom wrote me some monster drawing instructions for christmas! Here they are! 

Now down to club business...

We have not been meeting as doodleclub lately. We have been meeting as craftclub and that is fun because it includes additional fun ladies. We still talk about drawing and look at books/pictures but we also get to teach and learn different fiber arts skills.

We will be having a show at Caffetto in May. It will be fabric/fiber based things. Probably mainly embroidery and some mixed media stuff. If you are interested in taking part in the show, let me know.